Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Just a quick friendly reminder, if you have not RSVP'd to Mrs. Payne for the banquet please do so as soon as possible!

Also good luck to Kimmie and Morgan who are playing in the National Field Hockey festival!

Lastly, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone has a delicious and satisfying day, as well as safe travels!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Good morning Northern Family!

First off, I'd like to say a belated congratulations to Kimmie Kelly, Nikki Kotelnicki, and Morgan Payne for all being selected to 1st team All Conference! They also will be participating in the Senior Showcase at Bordentown High School on Wednesday November 19th, it would be fantastic if we could get a fanbase out for these girls!

Next we will be having our end of season meeting on TOMORROW November 14th in room 303. This is a MANDATORY meeting where we will be selecting team MVP awards and voting for captains for next season. At this time we will also be turning in uniforms. So please bring in your CLEANED uniform.

Our banquet planning is underway! Our End of Season Banquet is planned for Tuesday December 9th at Villa Mannino. The field hockey players cost will be covered, however anyone else who plans on attending must pay $20. You can send cash or checks to Maggie Payne. Please make checks payable to Northern Burlington Field Hockey. Thank you all for your commitment this season, The coaches are looking forward to seeing you all again at the banquet!

Also if you have not already done so, candle orders are in and can be picked up at the Paynes. Please contact them for a pick up time, or be prepared to bring them home from the banquet.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Congrats to our girls on earning a first round home game! We will be playing Monday at 3pm. All players who will be traveling with the team will be let out of school at 1:30. MAKE SURE YOU NOTIFY YOUR TEACHERS TODAY! Everyone else is encouraged to come out and support the team as we enter this fun competitive stage.

Catching up
Naturally I've fallen behind on my updates. So first THANK YOU to all the middle schoolers who came to our clinic yesterday! We hope you learned a lot and had a blast!

Congrats to our captains and unsung hero! Last weekend was a banquet held by the FHCSJ to honor these special members of our team. Congrats Haile, Morgan, and Alley!

And lastly another huge THANK YOU to all the parents who participated in our Canvas Mixer fundraiser event! I hope you all had a blast and are pleased with your paintings. :)


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today's game is cancelled! There will be no practice after school. The middle school clinic is still on for tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The JV game is cancelled. This will be a varsity only game. Freshmen can go home. JV travel with the varsity.
Freshmen game is CANCELLED. Plan on traveling with Varsity and JV to moorestown. I'll keep updating the blog as I find out info with the upcoming weather.

Tomorrow for Bordentown the bus will be leaving at 3:15.

Monday, October 13, 2014

12:30 Practice time

CHANGE OF PRACTICE TIME!!!! Girls today practice will start at 12:30 and go until 3. If you don't have a ride contact a senior. Spread the word! Wear your sneakers to start!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Big week coming up!

Hello Northern players, family, and friends!

We have a big week coming up starting with out senior night tomorrow. The game is scheduled to start at 7pm. Please note the time change! The JV game has been cancelled. We ask that all parents and family accompanying the seniors to please arrive no later than 6:45. Please do not be late! Players remember we will be holding a short practice at 3pm after school.

On Thursday is our first Canvas Mixer event! This will be held in the West Cafe at the high school at 6:30 and will take roughly 3 hours to complete. Prices are $30 for students and children and $40 for adults. The painting for the Thursday event will be the picture below.
Saturday is our Parents night event! This will be held at the Jacksonville Community Center at 7pm. The painting for that night is below.
We will be accepting payment the day of each event, however we ask for Canvas Mixer's sake to reserve your seat by Wednesday! Please contact Tracy Rossi to do so.

Thank you all for your constant support and hopefully see you this week!!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Good fight!

Good job today girls! I know we all wold have preferred the win but you fought until the end and that's exactly what the coaches want from you! Just a reminder tomorrow at practice wear

Get ready for Pennsauken!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors...
Please bring $7 and give to Taylor Rossi by Tuesday for Senior gifts.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unsung Hero

Varsity/JV don't forget to text coach Ritter your vote for unsung hero.


Practice today will be held in the East Gym until 4. Then we will be in a classroom until 5:20. Make sure balls, cones and pinnies are at practice. Wear your sneakers!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Busy week!

Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath. GREAT job this week girls! It started out rough but you were able to collect yourselves and finish the week strong. You hav truly earned your 6-1 record, and deserve all the recognition that comes your way! 

Now some housekeeping. TOMORROW the Yankee candle fundraiser is due. Make sure you bring your envelopes and money in!

I had a chance to go to Canvas Mixers last night so again those of you that are unsure of what it is here is a glimpse 
Everyone starts with a blank canvas and the instructor teaches you step by step how to paint it. You start with the background first.
After each step you end up with your own personal painting. No art experience is needed! (I hadn't taken an art class since middle school!)

We are going to bump the price down for the student paint night to $30. And the adult paint will stay $40. It is such a fun night, I promise you all will enjoy it!

Lastly, I was given this flyer for a FH clinic
It takes place on Sunday in Dallas, PA. I'm not sure if it's for high schoolers only, you can probably find more information through KaPow Field Hockey. 

I hope everyone is enjoying a restful weekend and getting ready for another competitive week!

Friday, September 12, 2014

National Field Hockey day

Tomorrow is national field hockey day! How fitting that we celebrate it with a win today and another (hopeful!) win tomorrow! 

GREAT job today to the varsity and JV on their dominating wins over Pennsauken! And good fight to the freshmen on their 1-0 loss. The coaches are proud of all of you and enjoy seeing you all grow and bond as a team. Keep up the good work and GO GET EM HOUNDS!!!!

And here's a funny for all our athletes :)

Freshmen Travel Rotation

Hey girls!

Like I promised, here is the list of when each freshmen will be playing with the JV.
September 7- Jamie and Nicole
September 14- Leah and Julia
September 21- Brianna, Maria, and Emilyann
September 28- Jackie and Paige
October 5- Emma, Natalie, and Emily D
October 12- Ali and Mikayla
October 19- Hannah and Bailey
If this conflicts or you are unable to play with JV, please let any of the coaches know.

Good luck to all our teams today!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6-0 over BCIT

The varsity team dominated BCIT Medford today with a 6-0 win. The girls played for the entire game and never let up. It's a great start to the season! Next up Pennsauken!!!

Tomorrow in rememberance of 9/11 I'm asking all the players to wear red white and blue to practice to honor those that were lost on that awful day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So many great things happening!

First off congratulations to our freshmen team who won their season opener against Notre Dame yesterday!!! Thank you to all the parents for accommodating the sudden change of schedule. 

Second good luck to the varsity who opens up their season tomorrow at BCIT Medford. Remember JV will be traveling as well even though it's a varsity only game. Girls don't forget to wear your BLUE uniform to school or forget your buddy bags!

Lastly, the preseason Olympics wrapped up today. We had a tight race for the top 3 spots. Our bronze medalists were Madagascar. The silver medal went to the elated Americans. And our gold medalists were Guatamala!!! Congrats to all the girls for competing hard. (A special shout out goes to Antarctica who placed fourth only 1 point behind Madagascar) 
Good luck to EVERYONE with their seasons. The coaches are excited and thrilled to watch you all compete and grow as a team!

Monday, September 8, 2014


Freshmen you have a game today after school. Meet coach Ritter in one of the 300 classrooms to get your uniforms IMMEDIATELY after school! Varsity and JV also meet in the 300 classroom have socks as shinguards on to start practice. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


The BCIT game is now Varsity only. They did not have enough players to field a JV team.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Varsity and JV practice

Hey girls! 

Just a reminder to be ready to warm up AT 3:00. We will be conditioning first so make sure to wear your sneakers. Practice will be ending at 5:15 so have your rides ready for then. Drink lots of water throughout the day and good luck to the freshmen with your scrimmage!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone is having a relaxing day! And I hope you girls have ran at least once if not twice this weekend. Tomorrow Varisty and JV are away at West Windsor North, so make sure to wear your blue shirt, black shorts, and dark socks. We will be leaving AT 2:30 so be at the school before then. Freshmen are home versus West Windsor North so make sure to wear your white shirt, black shorts, and white socks. Make sure to be on the field ready to warm up BY 3:00.

Our LAST dress up day will be THURSDAY since freshmen have a scrimmage Wednesday. So don't forget to dress up as your famous group!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Good work!!!

Great job today to all our girls!! It's great starting off the weekend on some solid hockey play. Make sure you girls get a run in at least once this weekend if not twice. Also our last dress up day will be THURSDAY since the freshmen have a scrimmage Wednesday. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


The freshmen scrimmage is moved from 10am to 9am. Therefore the bus will be leaving AT 7:30. Spread the word!!!

1st scrimmage under the belt

First off, great job to all our teams today! It was nice to see what we have in action and you girls didn't disappoint. The coaches were extremely pleased with all your hard work, especially on the hottest day of preseason. We still have a lot to work on, but it's a great starting point! Also thank you to the freshmen and their parents for adapting to the sudden cancellation of your scrimmage and coming to Collingswood with the varsity and JV.

So I'm a day late, but here are some pictures of our winners from yesterday's Animal dress up and the Rock, tree bridge challenge.
1st place in our rock, tree bridge challenge is Zimbabwe
1st place Insects of Guatamala, 2nd place penguins of Antartica. Third place the blind mice and cows of America

And now for next Wednesdays dress, which will be the LAST of the preseason Olympics is Famous groups! This one is fairly wide open to your interpretations. Take some time to research and then text Coach Ritter what group your country will be going with. Let's keep these quiet until Wednesday's dress up. Another first come first serve basis!!! Please only one person from each country text Coach Ritter. Good luck and let's make this one the best dress up yet!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Tomorrow's freshmen scrimmage is cancelled. They will be traveling with the varsity and JV to Collingswood. The bus leaves AT 8, so be there before then. Make sure you wear a blue shirt, black shorts, and dark colored socks (preferably blue or black).

Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 8 Feelin great!

We're getting closer to our first scrimmage! The team is working hard and we're all excited to show what we got. The girls got in some team bonding time after today's hard practice at the Kester household. Thank you so much Kester's for having the girls over! Looks like everyone had a blast!

Just a reminder we are practicing at 8am tomorrow and it's Animal dress up day!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tuesday's Dress up

Alright girls! Tuesday's theme will be ANIMALS. Each group will have this own animal category (ie farm animals). Upperclassmen can text Coach Ritter for their selected category. First come, first serve!!!

Guatemala- Insects
Madagascar- zoo animals
Antarctica- arctic animals
Russia- Safari animals
America- domestic animals
Zimbabwe- ocean animals

Also don't forget, Pasta party at Kester's house after practice tomorrow. Seniors bring soda, juniors pasta, sophomore dessert, and freshmen sides. And practice starts at 9am.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 7!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to everyone who came out to our team BBQ today! It was so nice to meet some new faces and see the old ones too. The support system here at Northern is fantastic and it's thanks to you all! A very special thanks goes out to the Lissner and Payne families for cooking and helping out, we wouldn't of eaten without you! 

Our Olympics continued today with the color dress up. First place went to Russia, second went to Guatamala and third went to Zimbabwe. Congrats winners!
And now some reminders. Monday we will be practicing at 9am! Enjoy your extra hour to sleep in. Stay tuned to the blog for the announcement of the next dress up day which will be Tuesday! Have a great weekend everyone and go hounds!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 6!

Finally through our first full week! The girls have grown so much in such a short amount of time. We're all looking forward to our first scrimmage on Wednesday to show our stuff. Continuing our preseason Olympics we had our drive competition today, and the coaches were happy to see some positive differences from last years drive comp. taking first place was Kelsey Koss for America. Second was Kimmie Kelly for Zimbabwe. And taking third was Rachel Lange for Madagascar.
Just reminder that tomorrow's practice starts at 9, and it's the color dress up day. Also, remind your parents to arrive at 10:45 for a brief meeting with Coach Ritter.

Keep up the good work girls!!

"How badly you want something, dictates how hard you'll work at it." Anonymous

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 5 we're still alive

Each day keeps getting better! The girls continue to work hard and face the challenges we give them head on. We had our second dress up practice and the girls wowed the coaches with their creativity. Taking first place representing Hannukah was Madagascar. 
Second with the 4th of July was America.
 In third with St. Patricks Day was Guatamala.
We also had our Sister, Sister competition. Coming in first was Antartica with Haile and Taylor taking the crown. Second place went to Madagascar thanks to Jessie and Rachel and in third was America represented by Jess and Jackie.
The coaches also did their part representing Grandparent's Day but were disqualified for not wearing their outfits for the whole practice.
To end this whirlwind day we had our first senior BBQ. Thank you to the seniors for coming. The coaches had a blast hanging out with you. We look forward to making this an annual event. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 4 we are sore!

Each day I'm amazed at the growth of our girls. They continue to work hard and push themselves for the better. However no matter how hard we're working I still hear laughing and see lots of fun being had, these are what memories are made of, and it makes me so excited for the rest of the season! But now some housekeeping:
Saturday is the team BBQ. If you haven't given the coaches your number attending you must let us know tomorrow! Also Seniors and Sophomores are responsible for drinks, juniors are in charge of desserts, and freshmen are to bring side dishes. The coaches will supply the rest. We do ask that parents arrive at 10:45 so that Coach Ritter can hold an extremely brief meeting prior to the BBQ.

Also, our scrimmage on Monday versus Riverside has been CANCELLED.

The freshmen Holy Cross game has also been cancelled since they could not field a team this year.

Thank you all for support and keep up the GREAT work girls!!!

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." Colin Powell

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 3 Go Hockey!

Another successful practice in the books! From conditioning to the drills, the girls did a great job working hard and improving their skills. We also had some great team bonding with today's Super Hero dress up and the Great Divide competition. Our dress up winner today was Antartica thanks mainly to Nicole for wearing her awesome Ninja turtle outfit the entire practice. Zimbabwe took second with "captain Zimbabwe" and Russia took third with their Hulk theme.
Our winners for the Great Divide was...
Second place went to Guatamala
And third went to 'Merica
We had a lot of different ideas to tackle this new competition. Good job girls!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 2 we learned something new!

We had another great practice, highlighted by the opening ceremonies of the preseason and the first event the Air Dribble Challenge. The first gold went to 'Merica with Nikki Kotlenicki being he last man standing. Rachel Lange took home second for her country and Morgan Payne took third. Congrats to all participants! The coaches look forward to tomorrow's Super Hero Dress up and another hard productive practice! Good job girls!!!
The torch run
Our air dribble finalists!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day one we hate to run

Despite today's cheer, our girls did great on the mile and a half run! The coaches saw a lot that impressed us, and were pleased with the first practice. Just a reminder that Tuesday is the first dress up day: super heroes. And expect the first preseason competition to happen Monday. Have a great weekend and stay hydrated. See you all bright and early Monday morning!

A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. ~ Colin Powell

Friday, August 15, 2014


Its going to be a GORGEOUS day tomorrow! Be ready to go with sneakers on BY 8 at the freshmen field. Upperclassmen make sure all equipment gets out to the field. Start hydrating tonight and let's get this awesome 2014 season started!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

3 Days left!

Only 3 more until the start of the 2014 season!! Just a reminder we start AT 8 so you need to be ready to go by that time (that means get there early). For those of you that are new, we practice on the freshmen field behind the Ag building (in between the east and west buildings). For preseason we will always start out with running unless we tell you otherwise, so wear your sneakers to start. I need all returning players help with equipment for the first day. On Monday an equipment list will be posted. If you will miss any practices make sure you let the coaches know and the reason why you are missing. This is a commitment. To be the best team we need the most committed players. We look forward to seeing you all! And good luck to all our alumni as they prepare for their college seasons or are getting ready for their upcoming semester!

~ The Coaches

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tonight's practice

Hey girls! Tonight's captain's practice is cancelled due to weather. Please try to attend Thursday!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Shandy has a blast at her first practice! Thanks to all who came out Tuesday, hope to see even more out tonight! 5:30 at the freshmen field!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tonight's Captains Practice

Reminder tonight there will be a captains practice at 5:30 on the freshmen field. if you are not cleared yet by the school, you CAN PLAY. This practice is being run by the captains and seniors and is not affiliated with preseason clearance regulations. However this is a GREAT opportunity to get your stick in your hands and have a better understanding of what shape you're in. That being said, I hope you all continue to run and don't forget that you must run a mile and a half in 15 minutes, or you are not able to start a game until this time is met. 

Also if you have not gotten your physical packet in DO IT NOW! Clearances are underway but students are cleared by when their packet was handed in. Please do not push this off any further! Hope to see you all tonight!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Captains Practices

Hey girls!

Tuesday and Thursday the next two weeks there will be captains practices at 5:30 on the freshmen field. Please bring balls if you have any. If you need a ride contact any of the seniors. This is a GREAT opportunity to get your stick in your hands and play some pick up or hit around. Let's get as many out as possible!

13 days left!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

2 weeks

Thats right girls! 14 days! 336 hours! 20,160 minutes! Get excited and get ready for a fun, competitive season!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Was finally able to make it to conditioning with the girls this morning! But was disappointed with the numbers. I hope you all are running. I will be at practice Tuesday and Thursday next week. Also goals will be out on the field and hopefully we can get a pick up game going. Let's get as many out as possible! Check twitter for times!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Countdown is ON

Preseason starts in 23 days!!! I hope everyone is working hard this summer getting ready for the season.  If you have not already done so, remember to get your packets into the school as SOON AS POSSIBLE. We want to make sure everyone is cleared for the first day of preseason!

"Stop waiting for things to happen; go out and make them happen."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hey girls!!! 

I hope everyone is well into the conditioning packet by now. A Reminder that the captains have been getting together at the high school for those of you that need the push to workout. They have been updating the times on twitter so follow NBCfieldhockey. The more girls we get out there the better, then we can possibly get a pick up game going too. Let's stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. Get yourselves out there! If you girls want to be successful this season it starts with conditioning and getting a stick in your hand.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Zig Zagler

Also a reminder that the coaches WILL be collecting conditioning sheets. Don't push this off and write in fake numbers, we will know!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Summer!

First off, congratulations to our 11 seniors who graduated on Friday! Best of luck in your future endeavors! We'll miss every single one of you :)

Secondly, those of you who did not get your order forms in and still want to order clothing. Please email or text Coach Ritter.

Lastly, I hope you all are beginning your conditioning. Remember the earlier you start, the easier it will be be. I'll make the first bribe of the 2015 season, if every single girl on the team makes the 1.5 mile in under 15 minutes, I'll bring Popsicles to the next preseason practice. If you need the accountability, girls will be meeting at the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, to run and hit around. Have a great summer, work hard, and be safe!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hey Girls!

Just a reminder, the order forms are due FRIDAY. Please get them into the coaches as soon as possible!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hey girls!

It was so great to see you all yesterday! Just a reminder that clothing order forms are due JUNE 20. That way first day of preseason, clothes are in and ready to go. Keep checking back to the blog for updates, and start getting in shape!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thank you!!!

Thank you to all who participated in our elementary and middle school clinics! Thank you to the parents who drove them, and thank you to the all high school players who volunteered their precious time! I hope to see you all again next year :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Attention Clinic participants! Just a reminder that tomorrow's session has been cancelled due to wrestling districts!

High school players! We will be having a meeting after school on Wednesday the 26th for all Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors in room 702. Please let coach Ritter know if you are unable to attend.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy snow day Northern! I hope everyone is staying safe and warm throughout this crazy Nor'Easter! I've been meaning to share some photos of just a few of our amazing athletes. The first is of Kimmie Kelly and Morgan Payne who just competed in the Disney showcase with South Jersey Edge FHC. They had an amazing time and I'm sure played great! The second picture is of Amanda Frappolli who received the NAGWS award on Sunday. This was an award selected by coaches and Amanda was Northern's representative. Congrats girls! You all make your coaches proud! :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Attention Clinic participants!

Just a reminder, that we will NOT be having the clinic February 22nd! We are still looking for a possible make up date of March 15th, I will let you all know if that becomes concrete. Have a great 2 weekends and stay warm!!!

~Coach Ritter

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

NLI & Good Luck!

Tomorrow we have two big happenings for the hockey team. First Amanda Frappolli will be signing her National Letter of Intent for Mercyhurst University! I ask that we get as much of the team out to support as possible! It will be held after school in the Media Center conference room.

Also Best of Luck to Kimmie Kelly, and Morgan Payne who will be traveling with the South Jersey Edge to play in the Disney Field Hockey Festival! Good luck girls and safe travels!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Due to today's Snow day, the rugby meeting will be TOMORROW after school. Remember to bring your $5.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hey girls! on Monday we will be having a brief meeting after school for anyone who bought a rugby. Rugby's will be distributed. However they cost more than originally expected, so if you want your rugby bring $5 with you. We will meet in one of the 300 classrooms. Thank you!

Also a big CONGRATULATIONS to Brooke Kelly who has committed to Kean University to play firld hockey!!! Good luck Brooke we know you'll be great! :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Good morning everyone! The clinic stars TODAY! See all you 2nd-6th Graders at 9am and Middle Schoolers at 10am in the Middle School!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Clinic starts Saturday!

Just a reminder to everyone, that our clinic starts on Saturday. 2nd-6th Grade is from 9-10am and the Middle School pickup is from 10-11am. Registrations will be taken on Saturday so please bring your forms and money. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and hopefully meeting some new faces!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Congratulations to Amanda Frappolli who committed to Mercyhurst University to play field hockey! Good luck Amanda you're gonna do wonderful things there!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello Northern Family!

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season as much as I did. Now that a new year is upon us, it is time we start focusing on building our program. Our clinic will be running again this year for 2nd through 6th graders and a pick up league for middle schoolers. I ask of all you to help promote this program so that we can have a fantastic turnout. My personal goal for this is 20 2nd through 6th graders, and 10 middle schoolers (both exceeding our numbers from last year). So please everyone help get the word out! They can get the forms for the clinics right here! They can either mail them in or give it to me on the first date. Thank you all for your continued support and help, and I hope you all have a healthy happy new year!:)

~Coach Ritter

Oh and players, please let me know if you are interested in volunteering your time with these programs, you girls help make this memorable for the little ones.