Wednesday, August 13, 2014

3 Days left!

Only 3 more until the start of the 2014 season!! Just a reminder we start AT 8 so you need to be ready to go by that time (that means get there early). For those of you that are new, we practice on the freshmen field behind the Ag building (in between the east and west buildings). For preseason we will always start out with running unless we tell you otherwise, so wear your sneakers to start. I need all returning players help with equipment for the first day. On Monday an equipment list will be posted. If you will miss any practices make sure you let the coaches know and the reason why you are missing. This is a commitment. To be the best team we need the most committed players. We look forward to seeing you all! And good luck to all our alumni as they prepare for their college seasons or are getting ready for their upcoming semester!

~ The Coaches

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