Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 5 we're still alive

Each day keeps getting better! The girls continue to work hard and face the challenges we give them head on. We had our second dress up practice and the girls wowed the coaches with their creativity. Taking first place representing Hannukah was Madagascar. 
Second with the 4th of July was America.
 In third with St. Patricks Day was Guatamala.
We also had our Sister, Sister competition. Coming in first was Antartica with Haile and Taylor taking the crown. Second place went to Madagascar thanks to Jessie and Rachel and in third was America represented by Jess and Jackie.
The coaches also did their part representing Grandparent's Day but were disqualified for not wearing their outfits for the whole practice.
To end this whirlwind day we had our first senior BBQ. Thank you to the seniors for coming. The coaches had a blast hanging out with you. We look forward to making this an annual event. 

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