Monday, September 29, 2014

Good fight!

Good job today girls! I know we all wold have preferred the win but you fought until the end and that's exactly what the coaches want from you! Just a reminder tomorrow at practice wear

Get ready for Pennsauken!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors...
Please bring $7 and give to Taylor Rossi by Tuesday for Senior gifts.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unsung Hero

Varsity/JV don't forget to text coach Ritter your vote for unsung hero.


Practice today will be held in the East Gym until 4. Then we will be in a classroom until 5:20. Make sure balls, cones and pinnies are at practice. Wear your sneakers!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Busy week!

Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath. GREAT job this week girls! It started out rough but you were able to collect yourselves and finish the week strong. You hav truly earned your 6-1 record, and deserve all the recognition that comes your way! 

Now some housekeeping. TOMORROW the Yankee candle fundraiser is due. Make sure you bring your envelopes and money in!

I had a chance to go to Canvas Mixers last night so again those of you that are unsure of what it is here is a glimpse 
Everyone starts with a blank canvas and the instructor teaches you step by step how to paint it. You start with the background first.
After each step you end up with your own personal painting. No art experience is needed! (I hadn't taken an art class since middle school!)

We are going to bump the price down for the student paint night to $30. And the adult paint will stay $40. It is such a fun night, I promise you all will enjoy it!

Lastly, I was given this flyer for a FH clinic
It takes place on Sunday in Dallas, PA. I'm not sure if it's for high schoolers only, you can probably find more information through KaPow Field Hockey. 

I hope everyone is enjoying a restful weekend and getting ready for another competitive week!

Friday, September 12, 2014

National Field Hockey day

Tomorrow is national field hockey day! How fitting that we celebrate it with a win today and another (hopeful!) win tomorrow! 

GREAT job today to the varsity and JV on their dominating wins over Pennsauken! And good fight to the freshmen on their 1-0 loss. The coaches are proud of all of you and enjoy seeing you all grow and bond as a team. Keep up the good work and GO GET EM HOUNDS!!!!

And here's a funny for all our athletes :)

Freshmen Travel Rotation

Hey girls!

Like I promised, here is the list of when each freshmen will be playing with the JV.
September 7- Jamie and Nicole
September 14- Leah and Julia
September 21- Brianna, Maria, and Emilyann
September 28- Jackie and Paige
October 5- Emma, Natalie, and Emily D
October 12- Ali and Mikayla
October 19- Hannah and Bailey
If this conflicts or you are unable to play with JV, please let any of the coaches know.

Good luck to all our teams today!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6-0 over BCIT

The varsity team dominated BCIT Medford today with a 6-0 win. The girls played for the entire game and never let up. It's a great start to the season! Next up Pennsauken!!!

Tomorrow in rememberance of 9/11 I'm asking all the players to wear red white and blue to practice to honor those that were lost on that awful day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So many great things happening!

First off congratulations to our freshmen team who won their season opener against Notre Dame yesterday!!! Thank you to all the parents for accommodating the sudden change of schedule. 

Second good luck to the varsity who opens up their season tomorrow at BCIT Medford. Remember JV will be traveling as well even though it's a varsity only game. Girls don't forget to wear your BLUE uniform to school or forget your buddy bags!

Lastly, the preseason Olympics wrapped up today. We had a tight race for the top 3 spots. Our bronze medalists were Madagascar. The silver medal went to the elated Americans. And our gold medalists were Guatamala!!! Congrats to all the girls for competing hard. (A special shout out goes to Antarctica who placed fourth only 1 point behind Madagascar) 
Good luck to EVERYONE with their seasons. The coaches are excited and thrilled to watch you all compete and grow as a team!

Monday, September 8, 2014


Freshmen you have a game today after school. Meet coach Ritter in one of the 300 classrooms to get your uniforms IMMEDIATELY after school! Varsity and JV also meet in the 300 classroom have socks as shinguards on to start practice. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


The BCIT game is now Varsity only. They did not have enough players to field a JV team.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Varsity and JV practice

Hey girls! 

Just a reminder to be ready to warm up AT 3:00. We will be conditioning first so make sure to wear your sneakers. Practice will be ending at 5:15 so have your rides ready for then. Drink lots of water throughout the day and good luck to the freshmen with your scrimmage!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone is having a relaxing day! And I hope you girls have ran at least once if not twice this weekend. Tomorrow Varisty and JV are away at West Windsor North, so make sure to wear your blue shirt, black shorts, and dark socks. We will be leaving AT 2:30 so be at the school before then. Freshmen are home versus West Windsor North so make sure to wear your white shirt, black shorts, and white socks. Make sure to be on the field ready to warm up BY 3:00.

Our LAST dress up day will be THURSDAY since freshmen have a scrimmage Wednesday. So don't forget to dress up as your famous group!