Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Summer!

First off, congratulations to our 11 seniors who graduated on Friday! Best of luck in your future endeavors! We'll miss every single one of you :)

Secondly, those of you who did not get your order forms in and still want to order clothing. Please email or text Coach Ritter.

Lastly, I hope you all are beginning your conditioning. Remember the earlier you start, the easier it will be be. I'll make the first bribe of the 2015 season, if every single girl on the team makes the 1.5 mile in under 15 minutes, I'll bring Popsicles to the next preseason practice. If you need the accountability, girls will be meeting at the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, to run and hit around. Have a great summer, work hard, and be safe!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hey Girls!

Just a reminder, the order forms are due FRIDAY. Please get them into the coaches as soon as possible!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hey girls!

It was so great to see you all yesterday! Just a reminder that clothing order forms are due JUNE 20. That way first day of preseason, clothes are in and ready to go. Keep checking back to the blog for updates, and start getting in shape!