Sunday, September 29, 2013

Freaky Friday

Some of the girls did a great job getting all decked out for freaky Friday! Our winner for the wackiest goes to Jaquanay Macklin! Don't forget to wear your new clothes tomorrow, varsity and JV are at Pemberton and freshmen are home against Shawnee. Ooo Kill 'Em!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Even though a year isn't quite "throwback" here are some old pics to remind you all how much fun you have with each other and playing for Northern!

Hard work and togetherness. They go hand in hand. You need hard work because it’s such a tough atmosphere. You need togetherness because you don’t always win and you gotta hang tough together.
– Tony Dungy, football coach 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Recruiting Roundtable

Hello Parents and players!

Willingboro High School will be having a sports Roundtable with speaker Matt Alkire, a representative with the Upper Hand Recruiting Services. He will focus on discussing:

NCAA recruiting rules that apply to prospective high school student-athletes.
Explanation of the NCAA Clearinghouse.
Differences in the divisions of college athletics.
What college coaches look for in student-athletes and when they start looking.
The recruiting steps – including questionnaires, college letters, phone calls, visits, evaluations, National Letter of Intent
The role of the high school coach, the prospect, and his/her parents.
Financial Aid and how it applies to Division III and Junior Colleges.
Q&A and open discussion.


If you're interested in attending it will be held October 2nd at 6:30pm in the cafeteria of Willingboro High School. If you have any questions call their athletic office at 609-835-8800 x3065.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

BUSY post win day!

After a thrilling win yesterday, some of girls were up early this morning to run a 5K for Deborah heart and lung. Allie, Kaylee, Courtney, Brianna, Savannah, Julia, Taylor, Maripat, and Jessie all did a fantastic job! 

Pre run
Off they go!
Post run!

Later the team went to William Paterson to watch alumni Meghin Stanton play. The girls got to see a close game go into overtime, unfortunately we didn't bring the Pioneers any luck. A special thanks goes out to all who attended from the team. A HUGE thank you goes out to Mr. Payne, Mrs. Frappolli, and Mrs. Kelly for driving, and for bringing hoagies and drinks for the girls!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Keep your heads up!

Hey girls!

I know it's been a rough couple of days, but you can't let the negativity get to the team. As soon as that happens you're already defeated. Focus on all the positives. How much you've improved, how we'll you played AS A WHOLE. How good it feels when everyone on the team has the same goal in mind, and has that connection. You all can do it. You're coaches believe in you, your parents believe in you, now you need to believe in yourself, AND each other. Remember TOGETHER we stand, DIVIDED we fall.

“I am a member of the team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.” Mia Hamm

“You can't stop negative thoughts from coming in, but you can make sure they leave as quickly as they enter.” Nkem Mpamah


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

JV and Freshmen, remember to wash yiur old uniforms and bring them in as soon as possible. 

Everyone be on the bus BY 2:45, no excuse. 

Parents, we are looking for volunteers to drive to William Patterson on Saturday the 21st, please fill out the permission slip that was sent home with your girls today if you can drive, and let us know how many can fit in your car. Thank you!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1st win!

Congrats girls on your first win! It was an awesome dominating 7-0 win versus BCIT Medford. We didn't allow a single shot on goal defensively! Great job girls! Now bring on Princeton Day!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Attention freshmen! You have a game MONDAY at Notre Dame. Please bring your away (blue shirts) uniform to school. Any sophomores interested in playing with the freshmen please contact Coach Ritter!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Deborah Fun Run/Walk

Hey girls!

For those of you interested in doing the fun run walk you can go to this website to register:

To donate, rather than creating a team, just write next to the On Behalf of... "Northern Burlington Field Hockey". That should work.

Also the comments on the blog is now OPEN! (You're welcome Kaylee :)

Have a great weekend everyone and make sure you get a run in!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 10, we smell like men

Preseason's winding down quickly, and the girls have shown tremendous growth in such a short amount of time. They're hard work is paying off and all the coaches notice a difference!

We had another fun productive practice today. Preseason Olympics is winding down and we have some close races! Good luck to all the countries and I hope your creativity shines with the last dress up day!

Tomorrow get to the field BY 9am. Make sure if you haven't already handed in your order forms to do so tomorrow. 
First place! 

And the winner is...

First day of school is done, so that also means our preseason Olympics have come to a close. Our winners this year was Brazil! With a bunch if sliver placed finishes, they edged USA by two points. It was fun for the coaches to watch and hopefully all the girls enjoyed participating. Now with school in full swing, all practices go until 5:15. The girls have bus passes but if being picked up, the coaches ask the parents to be there by 5:30. We are all eagerly awaiting the first game which is Tuesday versus BCIT, unfortunately the JV game was cancelled so they'll have to wait until Thursday to open their season versus Princeton Day. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the field!
USA making their flag
All the medalist in our last dress up day!

Farmer Ally making her tomato Maripat grow!

"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement" Matt Biondi

Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day Northern family! Hope you all have a chance to relax (and stay dry!) 

Girls just a reminder to be on the field BY 3 tomorrow and wear a white shirt, black shorts, and white shin guards. I hope you all have gotten some conditioning in! Parents, our scrimmages should be done roughly around 6:30, for pick up. After the scrimmage the Frappolli's are having a pool party for the team so bring your bathing suits!