Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 8, we're looking great!

Another successful day, more progress made! The girls keep pushing themselves  and are making each other stronger. We had our fun as well with Wacky Tacky Tuesday. 
Germany took first place, but we had some great contenders!

We're all psyche for our second scrimmage with Collingswood tomorrow at 10am. Remember girls get there BY 9. Also bring your order forms they're due Friday! Lets go hounds!!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 6.... & Parent BBQ

Well the first week has flown by and we're ready to face our first scrimmage tomorrow. Yesterday we had a busy day getting ready for our scrimmage, superhero dress up day, and our 2nd annual parent BBQ. It was great seeing old faces and meeting some new, so thank you to all the families that came yesterday! Your support is amazing and your enthusiasm for Northern Field Hockey is contagious! A special thanks goes out to Mr. Kelly for manning the grill. The burgers and dogs were delicious! 
Part of the gold medal winning team for Superhero dress up day

Freshmen representatives!

Thank you again to all who came and helped! 

Girls: a reminder to be at the field by 10am and wear a white shirt, black shorts, and white shinguards. Go hounds!

Friday, August 23, 2013

We survived Day 5!

We have been blessed to have some pretty nice weather this week, and today was no exception. This "field hockey weather" makes practice easier on the girls, and keeps them in good spirits, which translates with how much harder they work. The girls had another challenge for the Preseason Olympics. It was a great team bonding experience and provided LOTS of laughs. Congrats to Germany and Ireland on their win! (Pictured below)
Unfortunately our other teams did not finish, but they put forth a great effort!
Tomorrow we have our 2nd annual team and family BBQ! Looking forward to seeing all the families and meeting some new faces. Parents if you can arrive at 10:45 under the overhang by the west cafeteria, Coach Ritter would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 3 who are we? FIELD HOCKEY!

Had another extremely productive day today. The girls are working really hard, and are impressing the coaches. America is giving a strong showing in the competitions winning the air dribble challenge and winning today's dress up for the decades. Great job to all the teams for their creative outfits!
Team America 1st Place representing the 80s!
And 1st place air dribbler Kylie Bell!
90s, 60s, and 50s representing!

"The only one who can tell you 'you can't' is YOU... and you don't have to listen"

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 1- we had fun & Day 2 pushing through!

First 2 days of preseason are going great. You girls did a GREAT job with today's practice. It wasn't an easy one but y'all busted your butts! A special congrats to America for the first challenge win I the Sister, Sister game. We have our first dress up day tomorrow, and another challenge planned so get ready for another fun, productive day!

"I'm a great believer in luck, and the harder I work the more I have of it." Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Preseason tomorrow!

Hey girls!

Tomorrow is our FIRST practice of the season. We starts at 8 so make sure you are there before so you are ready AT 8. Everyone meet out at the freshmen hockey field, Seniors you are responsible or equipment this week. The equipment list is posted on our board in the girls locker room. Make sure you all bring sneakers too! See you all in the morning!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Hey girls!!! 6 days left until preseason! See you all in MONDAY AUGUST 19th! We will be meeting out on the Freshmen hockey field! See you all then!!! :)
~ Coach Ritter

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Delran Clinic

Hey girls! I just received a flyer for a clinic being held in Delran for high school players. The clinic is only $45 and is THIS  Saturday and Sunday the 10th & 11th from 9:30-12 it is being held at Delran middle school, if you're around it's not a bad opportunity to get a stick in your hands before preseason! See you all in 12 days!!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Medical packets are due TOMORROW! Please get them in if you have not already done so!